B2B Outsourcing Survey Fact Sheet

B2B Outsourcing Survey Fact Sheet

January 2007 GXS Managed Services Customer Survey Summary

GXS recently conducted a survey of its Managed Services customers to identify the key business drivers behind B2B outsourcing* and to quantify the return on investment associated with those business drivers.  The survey set out to answer three fundamental questions:

  1. Why do companies outsource their B2B operations?
  2. Once they have outsourced, how do they measure the ongoing value of their B2B outsourcing solution?
  3. What is the return on investment (ROI) associated with B2B outsourcing?

According to the survey, the top 5 reasons customers chose to outsource their B2B operations were:

According to the survey, the top 5 key metrics used to justify the value of B2B outsourcing were:

Return on Investment

In addition, respondents quantified the ROI gained through the use of GXS Managed Services. For example, respondents reported an average 42% reduction in B2B operating costs. Other ROI figures appear below:

ROI of B2B Outsourcing

Survey Respondents

Sixty-five of GXS Managed Services customers responded to the survey. The respondents cover a wide range of industries and revenues. Their breakdown is as follows:

Industry Breakdown of Survey RespondentsRevenue Breakdown of Survey Respondents